Can You Get Dental Implants With Bone Loss?

Dental implants in Redondo Beach are a very popular tooth replacement procedure that can give a person back the look and function of their smile.

People love dental implants because they look and feel just like natural teeth. Dentists love implants because they are effective in supporting long-term oral health. Unfortunately, some people may not be great candidates for this procedure.

An important condition in getting dental implants is having a healthy jaw bone that can support it.

This means patients dealing with bone loss may need to go through a few extra hoops before they can get their implants.

Why Do Dental Implants Need Healthy Bone Mass?

Dental implants are made from 3 elements:

  • Metal post
  • Abutment
  • Dental crown

The metal post gets inserted directly into the jaw and acts like the root of a natural tooth. The post itself needs enough jawbone mass so that it can remain properly fixed and hold the abutment and dental crown. Otherwise, the procedure itself could fail or lead to additional complications.

Moreover, after you get a dental implant your body will enter a phase called osseointegration. It essentially means the bone and surrounding tissues heal and fuse to the implant. Patients with bone loss might experience a much more difficult time going through this process.

So to avoid unpleasant cases where the implant fails, one of the first criteria a dentist will consider to clear you for surgery is whether you have a healthy jaw bone.

You Can Still Get Dental Implants with Bone Loss

Bone loss doesn’t automatically mean you cannot have a dental implant. You may be able to restore the bone through a grafting procedure, which involves taking a piece of healthy bone from another source, then applying it to the area that needs to be restored.

Then, the bone pieces will fuse and be ready to support a dental implant.

You should know that if you do need to get a bone graft, the implant surgery will be delayed. It can take anywhere between 5-6 months or longer for the bone graft to properly heal and be ready for the implant.

How to Know If This Option Is Right for You

The best way to know if dental implants and bone grafts are the best tooth replacement path for you is to see Dr. Anthony Nguyen for an appointment.

He will conduct a thorough assessment of your oral health and determine the best solutions that can give you back a healthy and beautiful smile.

Book an Appointment Today

Dr. Anthony Nguyen is ready to help you discover your tooth replacement options.

Book a dental implant appointment at ARTSCI dental today, and stop by for a visit to unlock your path toward healthy teeth.

Need more information about implants, bone grafts, or other services? You can call us at (424) 400-5288 today for a short chat.

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