Can You Drive After Laughing Gas?

If you have dental anxiety, you're not alone. It's estimated that between 50% and 80% of people in the U.S. have some level of dental anxiety.

The good news is that you can now overcome it and get the treatment you need with the help of sedation dentistry in Redondo Beach.

We here at ARTSCI dental, for example, offer minimally inhaled sedation through laughing gas.

If you are interested in sedation, you may want to know what the effects of laughing gas are. For example, can you drive after the administration of laughing gas?

Let's find out!

What Is Laughing Gas?

Laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide, is a type of sedative that is commonly used in dental procedures to help patients relax and reduce anxiety.

Laughing gas is considered a mild and safe sedative, and it's often recommended for kids who are too anxious about their treatment or have a hard time sitting still.

One of the great things about laughing gas is that you will remain awake and able to communicate during the procedure.

How Does Laughing Gas Work?

Laughing gas works by binding to the neurotransmitters that help to regulate anxiety and stress. As a result, you will start experiencing feelings of relaxation and euphoria. The effects of laughing gas typically disappear within a few minutes after you stop inhaling the gas.

Laughing Gas Side Effects

Some common side effects of laughing gas include dizziness, nausea, and confusion. These effects are usually mild and short-lived, but in rare cases, some people may experience more severe side effects such as hallucinations or seizures.

Is It Safe to Drive After Using Laughing Gas at the Dentist?

Since it's a mild sedative, it's generally considered safe to drive after a dental procedure that uses laughing gas. The effects of the gas wear off relatively quickly, and most people are able to drive within a few minutes of stopping the inhalation.

However, it is always important to wait until you feel fully alert and able to drive safely before getting behind the wheel. It's also a good idea to have someone else drive you home if you feel at all uncertain about your ability to drive.

Are You in Need of Dental Treatment, But Are Too Afraid? We Can Help!

Don't let dental anxiety stop you from getting the dental treatment you need. Waiting for too long can lead to more severe problems that will require longer and more invasive procedures.

At ARTSCI dental, we want our patients to know that they are safe and it's actually possible to relax in the dentist's office. We offer laughing gas sedation so that you can experience a stress-free treatment.

You can contact us online or call us at (424) 400-5288 to schedule your appointment. Tell us about your anxiety too so we can provide more information about our sedation options.

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